Do you want to join your spouse who has gone overseas to pursue higher studies. You can do so by opting for a dependent visa option offered by most of the countries to join your spouse. You will have to meet the eligibility requirements of the country.
This is a good opportunity for you to spend time with your spouse and at the same time explore the country. Most of the countries also give you the option of working in the country which you allow you to gain overseas experience.
The Eligibility criterion varies depending upon the country where your spouse is studying.
Some of the major criterion are:
- You are the spouse (de facto Spouse) of a student visa holder.
- You are above 18 years of age.
- In case of UK the main applicants course is a NQF level 7 or above and is of 1 year or more duration.
- In case of Canada, the student visa should be valid for more than 6 months to be eligible to apply for the dependent visa.
- In case of Australia, the student visa should be valid for 12 months or more for the dependent to be eligible to apply for the visa.
Talk to an expert to check your eligibility to apply as a Student Dependent
World Wide World Wide Process
World Wide College process time:
3 days -1 week from the date of submission of the documents to a WWC.
Visa process time:
1 week to 3 months from the time of submitting of documents to VFS / Consulate. Process time Varies as per the visa type and country
10 Good Reasons Why Choose World Wide College
- We are the established Market Leaders in overseas careers with company owned and operated branch in your city. We do not have
franchisees. Most of our customers come to us through word of mouth which we built based on trust and quality over the years.
- We are a one stop shop for all your overseas career needs.
- You get the benefit from our deep and extensive knowledge base which we have accumulated from processing thousands of cases
similar to yours.
- We have a pulse on global trends in careers and immigration and always have updated information which we share with you through
our weekly newsletters and email alerts.
- We have rock solid financial credentials that you would seek in the company when you would be making an investment of a large sum
and the outcome is critical to your life and career.
- We are system driven and have transparent processes and costs. All our offices are designed keeping this principle in mind–the reason why you will notice a lot of see through glass.
- We conduct business in good faith and you will notice that our agreements are fair and reasonable.
- We help you search for a job and settle down. Our Job Search Services Department is one of the strengths of our company.
- We have the best consultants in the market who are competent, committed and experienced. You will notice this yourself.
- We are competitively priced and offer flexible payment options and charge on a success fee basis. If we don’t deliver, we refund.
For more details please Contact Us.